
Apr 22, 2021

Gun control group in Illinois (People For A Safer Society) wants to red flag minorities

Got this alert today regarding some BS gun control they’re trying to ram through in Illinois:

As you can see, the President of People for a Safer Society (Laura Williams) penned the notice. You’ll also notice one of the bills (the other we already covered extensively and helped cause a federal lawsuit over the “problems”, it was just reintroduced) is regarding “strengthening red flag laws” (FRO). Well, what does this group want to use red flag laws on? BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE!

A message from Laura Williams, People for a Safer Society.
People for a Safer Society is a non-profit grassroots gun violence prevention organization that focuses on gun-violence prevention education, awareness, and advocacy. One of our current initiatives is making sure that Illinois residents are aware of FRO - a life-saving law that can help curb gun violence NOW.
As we all struggle to respond to the many challenges 2020 has brought, some challenges have become more deadly as the year has progressed.
Black and Brown people have long been disproportionately plagued by gun violence. This isn’t news. But the situation has worsened considerably since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Gun sales in Illinois have greatly increased since March. With increased gun sales comes the inevitable rise in gun violence, be it domestic gun violence, suicides, homicides, or accidental shootings.
As reported by Everytown for Gun Safety, “As the coronavirus has rolled across the country, its virulent impact has not been evenly felt. Black Americans are nearly twice as likely as white Americans to die from COVID-19. They are more than four times as likely to die from firearm homicide. City gun violence has persisted even amidst shelter-in-place orders. Systemic and structural discrimination against communities of color is resulting in these communities disproportionately experiencing the deadly effects of both public health crises.”
While this double health crisis looms, we want to inform Illinois residents about the Firearms Restraining Order (FRO) which went into effect in January of 2019. This law can help to temporarily remove firearms from people who pose a danger to themselves or others.
Illinois is one of 19 states to have a law like this - sometimes called Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO) or “red-flag laws.”
Studies have shown that these laws reduce gun violence in the states where they exist. But they only work if people use them.

There you have it, folks. They’re afraid of the fact that more minorities are buying firearms and want them possibly red flagged. It’s a page out of Michael Bloomberg’s “we’re going to save you because we know what’s best“ book. Need we say more? Or take it from Champe Barton, a reporter from the Trace (Everytown’s propaganda arm) who admits gun control is meant to target minority populations in urban areas:

As for Illinois gun grabbers (most are Chicago area based Democrats), they‘re just practicing the time honored tradition of having LE harass minority residents. Ever hear of “operation clean sweep”? Read below: