
Oct 21, 2020

More “commie mommies” running for school board seats to get into politics

As we’ve tried to ficus on for awhile, local politics is often more important than national politics in terms of what directly affects you most. Moms Demand Action knows this, which is why their members and chapter leads are using school board races to get into politics. Here’s one I just came across:

Lauren Christenson, a Plymouth resident is running for Plymouth-Canton Community Schools.
Age: 36
Party affiliation: Democratic Party
Family:Alex (husband) Julian (7 years) Claire (5 years)
Occupation:Senior Interior Designer (11 years)
Previous elected experience:None
Family members in government:No
Campaign website:
What are the critical differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post?
I’m a proud Plymouth resident, born and raised in Canton, and a mother of two elementary students starting their educational experiences at Smith Elementary. I am a P-CCS alumna. We need diversity on our board and we're missing representation for working families with young children. I hope to fill that void.
I am a professional Interior Designer specializing in educational facilities. At my previous employer, I had the joy and honor to work with P-CCS on the 2013 bond, where we built Liberty Middle School, created safe and secure entrances, and enhanced learning environments including STEM additions and technology upgrades throughout the district. I actively work with school boards, administrators, educators, students, and parents in school districts across Michigan and Ohio. My expertise is in transforming interior spaces into modern learning environments that support curriculum and now I’m helping districts transform facilities to navigate our evolving health crisis.
I also proudly serve on the leadership team of our local Moms Demand Action chapter, supporting our community and advocating for gun sense legislation.
I am running because I know the value of a P-CCS education and want to represent my district and community to ensure all students have the best educational experience and opportunities available.

Why do you want to be a school board member?
As an educational interior designer, I work with multiple stakeholders with differing viewpoints on projects daily. Designers are problem solvers. I have experience working with school boards, administrators, students, parents, and staff of school districts throughout Michigan and Ohio. My ability to listen, research, collaborate, communicate, and think on my feet will serve well on the P-CCS board of education. I am also a leadership member of my local Moms Demand Action chapter and involved in our community. I plan to work hard and collaborate with my fellow board members and the superintendent to make informed decisions to place P-CCS students and teachers first. I know the value of a P-CCS education and want to represent my district and community to ensure all students have the best educational experience and opportunities available. I’m rooted here, I’m raising my children here, and I’m passionate about education.

As we’ve published before, these astroturf activists w/Moms Demand Action are using school boards to push gun control at a district level, such as using them as a gateway for parents to sign waivers that they lock up their guns (as if that’s the district‘s business anyways).

These people will stop at nothing to shove their agenda down your throat. Know who thr candidates are and who they’re with/what they stand for.