It's true!
I've been a hooker since I was about 6 years old.
My Granny taught me. She was a very experienced one. It was just a way of life for her in "the good ol days." She would tell me stories often, but one I remember most, is one when she and my Papa first got married. Our family farm was still suffering from The Great Depression and she felt compelled to help out with expenses, so she got to hookin' to pay some bills. She would have about 4 or 5 happy customers every week... and the money she made helped put food on the table, and buy things like laundry and bath soap.
I'm also big into needles. She passed that down to me as well and taught me how to pick the right ones for the job at hand. I still have my very first needle set. It was one of my Granny's, that I have cherished for the longest time, and I use it often. And let me tell ya... as any good hooker would, I don't share my needles. I just don't! They're mine and when you've been using them for so long, you kinda don't want them to pass along any "magic" to someone else. I mean... whenever I've taught another how to hook and use needles, I DO keep some to the side... just in case, but NEVER! NO! will I let someone use my good, personal needles.
It's just wrong!
Some of you fellow "hookers" will get that intro immediately and laugh hysterically.
Those of you unfamiliar with crocheting, knitting... or crafting in general... are probably thinking I've hit rock bottom. BUT! Fear Not! I have never made a living off of my sexual prowess.
Not gonna lie, though... when times have been tight...
I got a second job as a bartender or something like that, so get your head out of the gutter, you filthy animals! (LOL!)
I crochet and knit mostly little items for kids. (They love my character/ superhero hats I make) I've made many hats, gloves and scarves for the homeless as well as for preemie- babes and cancer patients. I enjoy it. It's my way of giving back to my community. This is that time of year, too, when I whip out my yarn and thread stash and get to "hookin, " or knitting. I even make lace, sew, or just huge messes with a glue gun or blow torch from time to time. (I'm also big into Pyrography.)
When times have been tight, especially when I was a single chick, living on my own, I would make to order these little goodies for gas or grocery money. Its a skill... an art... that shouldn't be wasted. Like riding a bike, you have to keep at it to be proficient. I could be better, like most would admit, but crafting is a past time that I enjoy. The knowledge of crocheting, knitting, sewing, etc... will be something that I will even pass down to MY SON... because it's a sustainable practice, which will come in handy for him in the future.
Just like a firearm provides security/ protection as well as the ability to put food on the table (sustainability), being able to turn a big ol ball of yarn into a blanket, hat or scarf... even other clothing items, is a skill of value.
Recently, my good pal Shannon R. Watts of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, decided to make a mockery of the crafting community, by pushing her Anti-American rhetoric on Craft/ DIY Stores, like JoAnn's Fabrics, Michael's, etc...
This is pretty much what she's doing as she bullies these stores and others into submitting (much like she did with WalMart, WalGreens, DICKs, etc...)
The Journal Thoughts of Shannon Watts:
Because White Male Supremacists suck at making cute booties for the babies that I actually DO support being born, it is time that we ask stores like JoAnn's and Michael's to change their policy on firearms.
Even though these stores and the others- that we've successfully gotten to change their policies because we badgered the life out of them and offered them funds- do NOT have armed security or police stations within their walls, MOMS DEMAND THAT ALL LAW ABIDING, GUN CARRYING PATRONS OF THESE STORES, ARE TO REMAIN DEFENSELESS WHILE WE SMALL MINDED, INSECURE, IGNORANT, STUCK UP, BELLIGERENT, FEM BOTS shop for hot pink yarn to make our 2020 Pussy Hats with.
It is non-negotiable. They must change their policy to discontinue allowing firearms in their stores, especially from law abiding citizens, or we will throw a huge hissy fit. It's that simple. Until then, I will speak down to these stores in an authoritarian- like manner, pushing and belittling them into submission. As soon as they comply, I'll talk to them like they're a freshly polished, gold plated turd. Cause that's how Daddy Blooms talks to me.
I will also have my Minion Moms and supporters- those that have either been involved in a shooting or have a knack for manipulating the masses into feeling sorry for them- push falsehoods onto these stores, like JoAnn's and Michael's, as a way of pulling on their heart strings.
(check out this article on how a Moms Demand supporter got BUSTED in a lie)
At the same time, although they will be oblivious to it, I will make my Minion Moms feel empowered, while I meticulously pluck away every independent thought and ability to reason, from their tiny... wittle... bwains.
I will make them believe that as moms, they have a duty to themselves to force the ideology that in order for our babies (that we don't abort) to grow and survive in this world, they must be compliant to all forms of government... because that's tolerance, love and unity... as well as how I make my salary.
By making victim-hood seem glamorous, I will kick my heels off at the end of every day, knowing that I have successfully made a society weaker, by using an even weaker means of doing such- and that's insecure mothers. In order for my boss, his bosses, as well as myself can live peacefully within our mansions and be able to say hi to our armed security guards at our doors every morning, noon and night... everyone else must lay down and die. That's just how things work within our Democracy. - xoxo... ;-) Shan
Even if you're not the artsy fartsy type... as a 2A Defender, please reach out to these stores... (Contact Michael's / Contact JoAnn's) and tell them you support them for standing up for the Constitutional and overall safety of law abiding citizens that shop their shelves.
Lift them up!!
If they support us... we must support them.