Won’t be doxing the individual, but check this out. Through a little research using the FEC website to browse through donations, we came across this:

Everytown/MDA was the recipient of the $500, but through some additional research, we found the person at that address (again, we are redacting most of it):

We looked Heather up, and.....

So this begs the question: if the money was being donated/distributed to Everytown, why was it given to an individual’s home address under Everytown’s name? Shouldn’t it go to Everytown’s main contribution address in New York or the Everytown Victory Fund? We pulled the donor records (over $200) for the Action Fund and the Victory Fund and did not see the individual contribute that $500 to either during the election cycle.
We also pulled the individual’s donations on the FEC website between the time of the “payment” and now. Would it shock you that it doesn’t come close to $500? She’s the TX one.....

If she was collecting money on behalf of Moms Demand Action/Everytown, she would have to give it to them. It would be like you or I getting money from a local political party from campaign contributions (FEC reportable, which is where this is happening) and them giving it to us saying it’s for the National Rifle Association.
Not being an accountant, I'm not sure what the significance of any of this is. It looks to me like the local Democrats sent funds to the local Mommies' social media coordinator, presumably to produce some sort of online boosterism campaign under the Mommies' name that would benefit some local Democratic candidate or candidates. Election law is so convoluted that I don't even have an intuition of whether this might be illegal or why. I don't see it as all that much different in principle than paying Google to run GoogleAds for your candidate. So if there is some other scam being implied here, it's going over my head.