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Mom-at-arms has been marked for deletion on Facebook

Got this notification today:

The post had info on on Kyle’s attackers, including Gaige (one of the people that Kyle Rittenhouse shot one self defense). You know, this guy (evidence and such of self defense by Kyle):

Facts don’t matter to Facebook and they will de-platform you if you go against the company narrative. Nevermind the facts, such as Gaige was not a witness, asked Kyle why he was running away (to which he replied he’s going to get the police and continued on), and then Gaige joined in with the mob chasing him, caught up once he tripped, fake surrendered and moved in to flank him and kill him and regretted not being able to do so. That goes against what Facebook company policy, so can’t say that (even though there has been no trial, thus he has already been convicted by the company). We aren’t the only ones being targeted for elimination:

Facebook is censoring posts and videos that it has decided “support” Kyle Rittenhouse and has designated the accused Kenosha gunman a dangerous individual, before there has been a trial.
Conservative YouTuber Mark Dice told numerous news outlets and his own social-media followers Wednesday that Facebook had threatened to suspend his page over a video of Mr. Rittenhouse.
“Facebook just removed a video I posted showing Kyle Rittenhouse offering help to a wounded protester in Kenosha and are threatening to delete my entire account,” he wrote on Twitter as he posted the video there.
Newsbusters, Breitbart News and other conservative news outlets picked up the threat and, in a statement to Breitbart, the social media behemoth defended its actions and de-facto convicted Mr. Rittenhouse.
According to Mr. Dice, he also was told by Facebook that “we don’t allow symbols, praise or support of dangerous individuals or organizations on Facebook.”
However, as a Media Research Center analysis pointed out, “while Rittenhouse is certainly accused of murder, he has not been convicted of murder.”

In short, you are at risk of losing your entire page if you don’t go along with the MSM narrative and you provide FACTS about this incident. It’s “wrong think”.

Mom-at-Arms has a healthy FB community for our size and the fact we don’t make a dime nor accept donations, and our posts/content get lots of interactions. I guess we’re doing our job by spreading truth and being targeted for doing so.


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