I've mentioned this a time or two in other, more personal articles, that I am not a Professional within the 2A World. I've been completely open and honest with that and I really don't seek the status. I've literally told friends... even my REAL PRO 2A ones... that I'd rather be a Pro Taco Eater (the actual food, you pervs) than I would anything else. I. LOVE. TACOS!
I have NO monetary affiliations to big 2A Orgs, nor do I, or my team, take a dime from the public to do research or maintain my activism. If you look throughout the pages on this site, you will find a "shop"... that we do not really promote and was originally created to take a jab at Gun Control Groups. (The Shirt) It wasn't even supposed to stay around, but it had some inquiries from those who follow Mom-At-Arms religiously, and anything that we have garnered from it in commissions, we give to Pro 2A Grassroots movements.
"2A Wannabe!"
It's only right that accusation gets a Spice Girls gif. Anywho...
As the daughter of a VA Local & Federal Law Enforcement Officer, who was also a farmer, firearm ownership was a norm in my home. Shooting ranges were backyards or big fields with a paper plate- that didn't meet its fate to a trashcan after dinner, or a playing card tacked to a tree or fence post. If you visited my grandparent's home, you were handed a .22 to protect yourself from rabid critters in the middle of the night, because you had to walk to the outhouse due to no running water. Knowing how to shoot meant food on our table... and yes, at an early age, I also learned how to skin/ clean certain animals. Firearm ownership was part of the way of life... for protection and sustainability. "Self Preservation"
So, am I a 2A Wannabe? I have never used the connections I've made within my activism to boast about my successes... and when I say successes, I mean the everyday opportunities I'm given to use my platform to help others. My connections and resources came to me organically, and if someone asks, I MIGHT name drop. MIGHT.
I started this site for people like me... WOMEN like me: Those who have kept to themselves for the most part, yet we've seen the deception from certain "activist groups," and we are fed the hell up with the lies. I never in a million years thought this Mom-At-Arms "brand"- that I mulled over and threw together on a chance, would ever take off. I never thought I would meet and speak with actual pros in this industry and become really good pals. I never thought that I, personally... or as Mom-At-Arms... would be seen as a resource or that I would have women AND MEN reach out to me for guidance. I just wanted to rant about how Shannon Watts is a dipshit liar, and because I have a background in advertising, SOMEWHAT similar to hers, I wanted to oust her tactics more.
"Preaching to the choir."
I knew that everyone ALREADY knew Shannon Watts, and Moms Demand Action, was a fraud. There are tons of more popular outlets than my own who've given that info many times before in the past. What was pissing me off, though, is that NO ONE KEPT IT FRONT AND CENTER. It was avoided or swept under the rug, and anything else that came out of her, or her organization- Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America's- mouths... it was brushed off as a, "Whatever! Not like they're relevant, anyways! MDA SUCKS!"
Yes! Moms Demand Action and Shannon Watts DO SUCK, but are they so irrelevant? Hmmm...
Ok then! Here's their NOT SO RELEVANT LIST OF VICTORIES IN THE WORK THEY'VE DONE TO INFRINGE ON OUR RIGHTS: Victories by Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America
I'm a Virginian. Born and bred. I have literally watched the 2nd Amendment Rights of my state, and throughout America, go from never being thought about because "We had the Constitution" to now being under full attack... and Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America, as well as their money bags funding system, Everytown for Gun Safety with Billionaire Politician Michael Bloomberg, are the culprits. I mean, they LITERALLY OUTSPENT THE NRA & GOP IN VA's ELECTIONS!!! Get educated! Read about it here: Bloomberg's Gun Control Group Outspends NRA in VA Elections
As I rant and rave about these Gun Sense Wins, reminding people to open their eyes in order to inform others, I'm told I'm, "Preaching to the choir."
What's super funny about that accusation that I get often from many within the "Pro 2A World, that do not like my, or my team's, approach, is that my Ma is actually a church pianist/ organist & choir director, so I know how that choir directin' thing works.
So, let me clarify for those of you who think such:

I'm not preaching to the choir. I'm actually that one within the choir loft that is singing louder than everyone else, and totally off key. I'm the one that you'll remember from your "Come To Jesus Meeting." You may laugh at me, or you may turn your nose up, squint a little bit when I attempt a "Full Mariah" ... BUT... you will remember my delivery. You'll either love it or hate it. You may even tell me you'll never think of me again, but in time, you'll be like, "That Jill chick has the voice of a plucked duck, but man, she had passion." And you know what... PASSION is what I have for the 2A Movement. PASSION is why I do this FOR FREE. PASSION is why I WILL CONTINUE doing EXACTLY what I've been doing...
So, for those of you who think I'm not "reaching across the aisle" or "not speaking nice enough for the newbies," my mission was never to do any of that. I've been open about that from the beginning: "TO EXPOSE CORRUPTION WITHIN GUN CONTROL GROUPS & INSPIRE AND MOTIVATE OTHERS TO EDUCATE ON GUN RIGHTS" (Literally the mission statement of Mom-At-Arms- which is somewhere on this site or in an earlier article).
I have "Left Wing" groups and individuals reach out to me quite often saying, "Jill! We didn't sign up for this. We had no idea! We might not like Trump, but we don't want our rights eradicated because of our vote. It IS infringement. This was not our intention. What do we do!?!"
I also have "Right Wing, Gun Pros" send me an email or message asking, "Has Watts or MDA done anything crazy this week so I can stay ahead?"
I have never turned away a person due to political differences. I have also never turned away a person because they don't like big ol' guns. The first thing I give these people when they ask me, PERSONALLY (and not in a public showdown) "How do I?" or "What can I?" are links and info ON VOTING. THEN I send them to folks... ACTUAL 2A PROFESSIONALS, so that they can be educated further.
"The definition of proactive is someone who takes an active role in dealing with something before it needs to be taken care of." - The Dictionary
I worked in restaurants for YEARS. Throughout my late teens and 20s, I was waiting tables and later running my own store. I learned very early in life that in order to avoid a problem, you take care of it from the get-go. Sometimes that means doing things in a totally different manner than what others expect. I am unscripted. I am also unwavering in my views on the 2nd Amendment. I am NOT an Activist. I AM A PROACTIVIST for the 2nd Amendment and, although I listen very well and do not mind sitting down to hear others out, I don't care about YOUR FEELINGS if you don't like my bitter delivery on why my 2nd Amendment Right Shall NOT Be Freakin' Infringed.

Jill Slayton McDaniel
Creator of Mom-At-Arms