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CNN Executive Producer also writes for China Daily (a Chinese Communist Party run media outlet)

Writer's picture: Mom At ArmsMom At Arms

Updated: May 20, 2020

Doing my daily search for goods, I came across this article by China Daily:

China Daily is run by the Chinese Communist Party and has even been subjected to new regulations by the Trump Administration:

The administration of United States President Donald Trump said on Tuesday said it will begin treating five major Chinese state-run media entities with US operations the same as foreign embassies, requiring that they register their employees and properties with the State Department.
The new determination is being applied to the Xinhua News Agency, China Global Television Network, China Radio International, China Daily Distribution Corporation and Hai Tian Development USA, Incorporated, the officials said.
China Daily is an English-language newspaper published by the Chinese Communist Party. Hai Tian Development USA distributes the People's Daily, the official newspaper of the party's Central Committee.

Ok, you get the picture (and what the Trump administration is doing). That brings us to the author of the China Daily article, Scott Reeves:

What’s that? CNN? Let’s look into that.

Wait, What?!?!?!?

Ok ok ok, wait a second, the Chinese commie paper says Scott is in NY, so maybe.......oh, never mind. That’s the OFFICE location of the media outlet:

An executive producer for CNN also works with and writes for the Chinese Communist party’s media outlet that has been declared by the Trump administration (to be treated) as a “foreign embassy”. Draw your own conclusions......


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