Moms Demand Action held their advocacy day in Lansing, Michigan on 2/25/20. One of the allied legislators they met with on 2/25, Rep. Isaac Robinson, succumbed to COVID-19 on 3/29/20. I sincerely hope these activists realize that they possibly came in direct contact with the virus (as it has a lengthy incubation period before symptoms show and he may have been infected during that time) and self-isolate for some time (or did self isolate if they became sick).
If you’re a Moms Demand Action member that came down with symptoms after that advocacy day last month, yet you went about your daily business and possibly infected others, you may have “blood on your hands” if anyone you gave the virus to died.
Perhaps it would have been best for all of us if they would have put a halt to their agenda at the eve of this pandemic here in the US. Nah, they wouldn’t do that. Advocating for gun control is more important.