(This article turned from an announcement into a sort of "master list" of sheriffs rejecting the IL AWB. I guess you can say it (article) was used like the IL lesgislature guts and replaces live bills in order to ram things through last minute. The resistance has angered supreme leader Pritzker, and he wants to fire people now....).
1/16/23: as referenced in Timcast (Tim Pool) and Colion Noir, as well as on 1/18/23, Washington Gun Law.
Today (1/10/23), the IL house passed the senate version of the AWB. Nullification of it before the Governor signs it had already began. Out of Perry County, IL:

And this out of Adams County:

More to follow.
Update 1 1/11/23:
Illinois State Police emailed all IL FFL's immediately after bill was signed:

Now, read this (part of the law) and use your imagination as to what can be done with emergency rule making power regarding this stuff (nevermind that this is irreverent under Bruen, as "safety" and "public interest" are no longer factors in laws/rules post-Bruen)....

And another breaking update (1/11/23) out of the McDonough County Sheriff's office (posted on FB) and Ogle County Sheriff's office, as well as Lee County .

Add Winnebago, Lasalle and Knox County Sheriff now as well

They just keep Pouring in today....

Video for Jefferson County area folks:

And from the Illinois Sheriffs Association:

As of 8:07PM 1/11/23, roughly 24 hours after the bill was signed into law, this is the current map of sheriffs publicly stating they will not be enforcing nor allowing their resources to be used for enforcement. This list will expand in the days to come. Hats off to these Sheriffs (and states attorneys that have made statements). Credit for graphic goes to Wisdomtree.

To close out the night (1/11/23), two more to make green:

All of this happened within 24 hours of the bill passing and being signed into law. 61 out of 102 county sherrifs, or 59.8 (let's call it 60)% of them (so far). Amazing.
1/12/23: Let's keep adding I guess

^^^Side note on that

Updated Kane County Sheriff statement

State's Attorneys preparing to take legal action it looks like:

Updated map as of 7/27PM 1/12/23 (some of the announcements above may be missing, but this is the updated "official " count. Out of 102 counties, only 8 Sheriffs have yet to take a stance).

1/13/23: Some more rolling in:

DuPage County Sheriff updates position:

Sheriff of Warren County:

Updated map as of 8:07AM 1/16/23:

UPDATE 1/28/23
The McHenry County State's Attorney has filed suit against the gun ban:

A hold out in the north, the Lake County Sherriff is "owned and paid for by Moms Demand Action" (adios by the way, Shannon Watts). He will only allow "killing machines" to be used by his deputies to enforce the law against other Lake County residents. Source: Daily Herald.

Pritzker (at beginning of article) is threatening to go after LE who does not abide by his unconstitutional law, and thus Sheriff has state oversight.

Also with oversight that can make lives a living hell for non-enforcement of this BS law, a Highland Park crony and also the anti-gun Cook Co Sheriff, ISP director and the rabidly anti-gun AG. This is gonna get ugly I bet.
