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Breaking! Pics from Moms Demand Action Lobby Day Today in Richmond, VA

Updated: Jan 8, 2020

Just kidding!!! Above photo is a stock image found on google and is in Florida (palm trees). Only used it as click bait because it’s the image that will be in the thumbnail. Here’s the REAL turnout for Virginia's MDA lobby day:

Look at them all!! All 2 dozen!! I think I’ve seen more people waiting to be seated at Denny’s on a Tuesday afternoon. If anything, this proves Virginians DO NOT want gun control. Compare that to the hundreds (sometimes pushing 1k) that show up at a single county board meeting to lobby in favor of a 2A resolution. Their turnout today was beyond pathetic. Make sure the capital is filled on the 13th and, much more importantly, the 20th. Moms Demand Action’s own photos proved they are the overwhelming minority in all of this.


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