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Everytown’s Wear Orange day: Blood Money

Updated: May 20, 2020

Everytown For Gun Safety has a “holiday” for ”gun violence awareness”. June 5th is the organization’s “gun violence awareness day” and has been for a few years.

These ghouls actually created a faux “holiday” to raise money off of death LOL. Looking further into Wear Orange we see that Everytown overcharges for their apparel (designer brand prices):

Who benefits from the money raised? The Everytown Support Fund:

The support fund sees a jump in revenue when a tragic shooting happens, as pointed out in their 2018 IRS 990. 2018 was a “good year” for them (Parkland shooting):

Working for the Support Fund also pays pretty well!

All that money also helps fund events like this with the American Federation of Teachers:

Why is that event important? Click here and you’ll see (a Mom-At-Arms partner/writer pieced that all together btw). Just a preview in the next pic, as the teacher that organized the “vigil” for the linked event attended that conference and is shown in link.

Getting back to the Everytown Support Fund, what else is done with the money? It’s transferred to the Action Fund for lobbying purposes:

One other thing the Support Fund does is fund other movements (more on that here):

In short, Everytown created a day in order to celebrate victimhood and raise money off of dead people by selling merchandise to advance their agenda. “Blood money”.


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