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IL Dem Rep arrested for carrying concealed firearm while having an invalid license to do so

Updated: Nov 29, 2019

(Update at bottom. Now he’s suggesting people who disagree with him/are calling him out should have their guns taken)

Meet Curtis J. Tarver II

Curtis is a state representative in district 25 (Chicago). He‘a also a YES vote on SB 1966 (“Fix the FOID” or “BIO Bill”), which more details on that were covered here:

For a quick view, just look at this (in a nutshell, more ridiculous rules and hoops to jump through just to legally own a firearm in Illinois):

His vote on SB1966 in the house BTW:

Well, in true “Chicago” fashion, seems that those that make the laws don’t follow the laws (current or proposed):

State Rep. Curtis Tarver II (D-Chicago) was arrested Monday night in the Woodlawn section of Chicago and charged with carrying a weapon with an invalid concealed carry license (CCL), according to Chicago police.
Replying to an inquiry from Chicago City Wire, the CPD Office of Communications said that at approximately 8:32 p.m. on November 18 officers on patrol in the 6500 block of South Stony Island Avenue stopped a vehicle with a broken headlight. They asked the driver, whom they identified as Curtis Tarver, 38, if there were weapons in the vehicle.
“The driver handed officers a weapon that was in the vehicle, as well as a concealed carry license,” a CPD communications officer wrote in an email. “Further investigation revealed the license was revoked. The subject was taken into custody and charged accordingly.”

The Chicago Sun Times also reports that he “failed to surrender his revoked CCL”:

During the stop, officers learned that Tarver, 38, had a handgun on him while his concealed-carry license was revoked, police said.
He was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor count of failure to surrender a concealed carry license, police said. Tarver, who lives in North Kenwood, was also cited for driving with a broken headlight. He is due in court Dec. 27.

Also, wonder if he carried in his office, a gun free zone?

Perhaps the full force of the law should be applied to him, as we all know it would be to us if we were in his situation. Heck, look what happened to this college student who “violated“ Illinois concealed & carry law a few days ago: The representative gets a misdemeanor and out on ibond, the college student gets a felony and no bond. Hmmmmm. I guess some are more “equal” than others.......

Update: apparently, reporting the truth makes you a “nut case”.

Rep. Tarver II also has issued a statement:

On November 18, I was the subject of a routine traffic stop, at which time what appears to have been a clerical error regarding my concealed carry license resulted in my arrest. The facts are clear and supported by documents which I have shared with the Chicago Police Department: In August 2019, my concealed carry permit was renewed through August 2024. Upon receiving notice that concealed carry license was revoked because my Firearm Owners Identification Card (FOID) had expired I immediately renewed my FOID. The renewal was effective as of November 16. While I had no way of knowing, this renewal purportedly was not yet reflected in Chicago Police Department records. The department acknowledged that my FOID was valid as of November 16. This was two days prior to the traffic stop, indicating that the concealed carry license should also be valid. I fully expect this case will be resolved quickly and without incident.
Like many people in Chicago, I applied for a concealed carry license in order to keep myself and my daughter safe. I take considerable efforts to ensure that I am always in compliance with our state’s laws and following safe practices for handling a firearm. This commitment to stronger gun laws that promote responsible ownership is why I recently voted for the Fix the FOID Act, which cracks down on illegal gun sales, strengthens background checks and closes unnecessary loopholes. I look forward to continuing this work on behalf of our community and focusing efforts to prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands

So, he voted for more red tape (Fix the FOID), and as he has now experienced first hand how terrible the entire system is, perhaps he can be convinced that it does more harm than good (as he was an otherwise law abiding citizen that was ARRESTED due to how god awful it has become thanks to legislators and the confusion among law enforcement agencies). Rep Tarver, support Illinois citizens and #VoidTheFOID. Most of us wouldn’t have been treated the same way you were. We would be forced to hire lawyers and spend thousands of dollars to get out of a “clerical error” that wasn’t our fault. If you truly believe in the FOID system and are against tossing it, how bout a lifetime card that doesn’t expire at the same cost it is now?......

And he’s now complaining about some press spinning the story (and has locked his Twitter account):

Can’t wait for the spring session, as what he’s advocating for will ensure more FOID’s expire quickly (they‘ll be valid for much less time under SB1966) and more people can be arrested just like he was over BS.

You should have never been arrested In the first place, Rep. Tarver. Now you know why we are against the FOID and also the legislators that want to make it more complex.

Another update:

He‘s not liking the pushback at all. Check this out (in response to his statement):

Also deleting/hiding comments

When you have a legislator stating “they should probably take your gun” because someone disagrees with them, that should raise a big red flag (no pun intended). Not very good conduct for a civil rights attorney if you ask me.


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