Today, the Cargill SCOTUS decision was released in which the court smacked down the ATF’s bumpstock ban. As you can imagine, the gun grabbers are melting down. They’re very upset that an unelected agency can’t make criminal law and congress has to do it. One such person melting down is Barry Graubert, the Moms Demand Action chapter lead for New York. He is so upset that he had this to say (before deleting his endorsement of a veiled threat):

These people are unhinged, and as if it needs to be said, they’re not against guns being used to achieve their political goals (and used against people that stop their agenda), they’re just against you, me, and people they don’t like having guns. Who are the “people they don’t like having guns”? Former head of Moms Demand Action, Shannon Watts, let that slip a few years back, and it’s people who are not “non-white men” :

With rulings like Cargill, stay frosty. Anti-gun people are, in fact, resorting to violence to get their gun control enacted.
WASHINGTON — An armed man was arrested overnight near the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh after he called 911 on himself, law enforcement officials said Wednesday.
Officials say the man, identified as Nicholas John Roske, 26, was armed with a handgun, a knife, pepper spray and burglary tools. He was stopped a block from the justice’s house. And when police detained him, he said he was there to kill Kavanaugh, the officials said.
Deputy U.S. marshals spotted Roske — dressed in black and carrying a backpack and a suitcase — getting out of a cab in front of Kavanaugh's house shortly after 1 a.m. ET Wednesday, according to a criminal complaint. Roske looked at the officers and then started walking down the street and called 911 on himself, the complaint said.
Officials said the man called 911 and said that he had homicidal thoughts, that he had traveled from California to attack the justice and that he had a gun in his suitcase. He said the gun was unloaded and in a locked case. Officials said the man is from Simi Valley.
He was still on the phone with 911 when police showed up to arrest him, the complaint said.
He is alleged to have told investigators that he'd decided to target Kavanaugh because he was angry about the possibility that the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade and about the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. He said he thought Kavanaugh would loosen gun laws. Roske said he'd planned to kill the justice and then himself, the complaint said.
Luckily that was stopped, but other recent instances were not:
A man who killed five people at a bank in Louisville earlier this year wrote in his journal that he wanted to demonstrate the consequences of gun laws that he viewed as too lenient, according to police.
The Louisville Police Department released a report Tuesday with quotes police said were taken from Connor Sturgeon’s journal entries in the days leading up to the shooting on April 10.
“I have decided to make an impact. These people did not deserve to die, but because I was depressed and able to buy ___ (guns?), they are gone,” Sturgeon reportedly wrote on April 4, the day he bought a rifle he’d use in the shooting six days later.
The entry continued: “Perhaps this is the impact for change – upper class white people dying. I certainly would not have been able to do this were it more difficult to get a gun.”
“I know our politicians are solely focused on lining their own pockets, but maybe this will knock some sense into them. If not, good luck.”
Police said they also found a “plan” written in the gunman’s Notes app that allegedly stated in part, “They won’t listen to words or protests, so let’s see if they hear this.”
Gun control proponents often project their insecurities and violent tendencies onto others. Stay frosty out there, folks. Their emotions are VERY high right now and it’s obvious some are wanting violence to happen as revenge.