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The Jim Crow moms strike again!

They want a FOID card in Delaware now lol.

Just read here on what laws like this stem from in more “modern“ times. They (Bloomberg’s moms) sure do love copying historical laws that were designed to target blacks and other minorities to criminalize them for gun ownership.

Read above, and compare it‘s even worse than the FOID card:

This Act does all of the following: (1) Creates an application process to obtain a handgun qualified purchaser card to authorize the purchase of a handgun. While an applicant will incur costs related to fingerprinting and required training, a fee will not be charged to obtain the permit. (2) Requires licensed importers, manufacturers, or dealers, as well as unlicensed persons, to require an individual to present the individual's handgun qualified purchaser card before selling or transferring a firearm to an individual. (3) Requires that an applicant complete a firearms training course within 5 years before the date of application, similar to what is required by Delaware’s concealed carry permit law. An individual licensed to carry a concealed deadly weapon is exempt from this requirement as they must already complete a firearms training course to be licensed. (4) Sends to law-enforcement information that is already collected at the time of sale and required under federal law to be made available to law-enforcement. This change assists law-enforcement in the criminal investigations they already conduct. (5) Makes clear that § 904A of Title 24 is not intended to prohibit law-enforcement officials from keeping records of sales and transfers of firearms for their use during criminal investigations or prosecutions. This Act also makes technical corrections to conform existing law to the standards of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual.

What exactly, other than creating more burdens for people who won’t be committing crimes in the first place, are they trying to accomplish by this?

1 Comment

Larry Spencer
Larry Spencer
Mar 19, 2022

Clearly unfair to minorities, because they won't have the resources or the wherewithal to obtain one of these ID cards. That's the Democrat line, right?

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