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Minnesota goes full-on tyranny to enforce COVID restrictions

In short, obey or be fined into oblivion and possibly jailed. From Minnpost regarding the extension of the Governor’s executive order on 11/12/20:

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz announced Wednesday a month-long stop to social gatherings, gyms and indoor service at bars and restaurants as part of a sweeping new round of health rules meant to curb the spread of COVID-19.
The limits on public life, issued by executive order, amount to the governor’s toughest set of restrictions since March, when Minnesota had a stay-home order that was intended to build hospital capacity and supplies of personal protective equipment.
People who intentionally violate Walz’s order are guilty of a misdemeanor and face a maximum fine of $1,000 or 90 days in prison. A business owner, manager or similar authority figure who makes an employee break the rules or encourages them to do so would face gross misdemeanor charges that carry a maximum penalty of $3,000 or a year in prison. The Minnesota Attorney General, as well as city and county attorneys, can seek civil penalties up to $25,000 for each violation of the rule.

You can view the executive order here, but here’s a screenshot of the draconian punishments:

Should come as no surprise that Walz, the Führer of Minnesota who is threatening hefty fines and imprisonment for violating his order, is a wonderful ally of Moms Demand Action.

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