First, thank you to David Codrea for giving us a “tip” to this story. Second, these Moms Demand Action/Everytown backed politicians seem to have a problem with women (another example here)! From the Washington Free Beacon:
A New York Democratic state senator closely allied with New York City mayor Bill de Blasio and socialist Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders turned himself in to authorities on Monday morning after he was accused of strangling his wife during a domestic dispute.
State senator Luis Sepúlveda, who provided a critical early endorsement to de Blasio during the mayor’s first bid for Gracie Mansion, turned himself in to the NYPD's 48th Police Precinct in the Bronx district he represents, according to local reports. He was accused of strangling his wife during a Jan. 9 altercation and was charged with criminal obstruction of breathing.
What a guy! And he is endorsed by our “favorite” gun grabbers:

We eagerly await a statement from Everytown denouncing the Senator......
