So this is a glimpse of an ad running in IL House District 66:

The ad features Suzanne Ness’s opponent, sitting state rep and Republican Allen Skillicorn holding a shoulder fired rocket launcher. Zoom in a tad and you can see that he’s NOT firing it:

The green sign is for the Illinois National Guard. It’s a PR event for them in which they have their equipment out for demo LOFL! Politicians go to these things. Does Suzanne Ness think the IL National Guard shouldn’t have “weapons of war” or something?? Does she think the public shouldn‘t be able to interact with our troops in a non-combat/disaster type situation? Her ad creators aren’t that bright. Moving on....
Should come as no surprise that Ness is endorsed by Moms Demand Action:

Moms Demand Action is known (thanks to us) for smearing their political opponents with false info (just like how showing Allen at a National Guard PR event with a rocket launcher and trying to play it off as he’s blowing something up):
Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts shared a fake photograph to attack GOP congressional hopeful Nick Freitas in a now-deleted Thursday tweet.
Freitas, an Army veteran, is running to unseat freshman representative Abigail Spanberger (D., Va.), who is backed by prominent gun-control groups, including Moms Demand Action. Watts, who founded the group in 2012, falsely accused Freitas of promoting a t-shirt that bears the Moms Demand Action logo, but features stick figures engaged in various acts of sexual congress and depravity. The Thursday tweet, which Watts has since deleted, included a fundraising plea in support of Spanberger.
Freitas responded to the attack Thursday, accusing Watts of engaging in "politics of slander" to bolster her candidate.
"Not only is this ‘tweet' verifiably fake, but she used it to slander my wife," Freitas said in a tweet. "If they can't win on issues, they engage in the politics of slander + personal destruction." He went on to ask Spanberger if she stood behind the "lies your allies @MomsDemand are spreading to raise money for you." Spanberger has not addressed Watts's tweet and did not respond to a request for comment.
Spanberger narrowly defeated former GOP representative Dave Brat in 2018, becoming the first Democrat to represent Virginia's Seventh Congressional District since 1971. Her seat is now a top target for Republicans looking to gain control of the House. The nonpartisan Cook Political Report changed its rating of the race from "lean Democratic" to "toss-up" in February, citing Freitas's candidacy and Spanberger's vote to impeach President Donald Trump.
The t-shirt in question was designed by Mom-At-Arms, a Second Amendment rights group, in April 2019. The photoshopped image Watts used showed Freitas promoting the shirt on August 30, 2016. Jill McDaniel, who founded Mom-At-Arms in December 2018, confirmed the shirt did not exist at the time of Freitas's supposed promotion.
According to founder Jill McDaniel, the group looked to "troll" Watts by sharing photos of the shirts paired with messages of support toward Moms Demand Action. The tactic proved successful—both Watts and Democratic Pittsburgh mayor Bill Peduto liked and retweeted posts featuring the shirt in August and November 2019, respectively.

Watts of Moms Demand Action deleted the tweet (sorry Shannon lol), but Nick Freitas’s tweets are still up:
So for one, these are the type of people Ness are endorsed by. Willing to defame a man and his wife for political gain. But that doesn’t have much to do with Illinois house district 66 now does it. Well, the rest of this does.
Ness stated in a campaign video released earlier today (10/15/20) that she got involved in the local (McHenry County) Democratic Party because she was “in a period of mourning“ and that her “daughters were scared”. In other words, Trump Derangement Syndrome. She also seemed to enjoy participating in the Women’s March, who’s leaders had to step down because they’re anti-Semitic, in which one of those leaders was also tied to a terror leader who was training kids to be school shooters in New Mexico. Suzanne’s video below:
Some people in mourning (especially for political reasons) do crazy what this Moms Demand Action chapter lead and also politician did (this is how you actually scare teenage daughters):
Kellye Burke, the Houston-area councilwoman who was outed by media for screaming obscenities at a group of girls in a cookie shop because one wore a “Make American Great Again” T-shirt, was just charged with disorderly conduct.
The fact that this occurred at all only underscores how mentally unstable the left is. How mentally unfit the left was, is and continues to be.
The story unfolds with Burke, a West University Place Councilwoman and the Texas chapter leader for Moms Demand Action on Gun Control, approaching the teens girls at Tiny’s Milk and Cookies, reading with dismay the pro-President Donald Trump shirt worn by one, and losing it.
“Grab ‘em by the pu—y girls,” she yelled, KPRC-TV reported.
One of the fathers of the group advised the girls to ignore the lady — “Ignore the nice crazy lady, girls, and she’ll go away!” But apparently, silence only emboldened Burke.
She kept yelling, the father recounted to local media.
“At that point,” he said, the New York Daily News reported, “the girls were getting kind of scared, and then the woman starts going, ‘MAGA! MAGA! MAGA!’ while shaking her fist.”
Do we even need to discuss another Moms Demand Action candidate that thinks she has a “constitutional right” to shoot people who don’t wear masks because of COVID-19, or that they use law enforcement to harass political opponents and feel they are exempt from FOIA requests. You get the idea. Let’s move on....
So, about the McHenry County Democratic Party and their shenanigans (oh, Moms Demand Action is involved as well). The party leaders think that they can use local public (taxpayer funded) high schools as recruiting grounds for party events, in this case, a gun control rally:

Nothing like two political party leaders using a teacher to distribute flyers for recruitment, eh? Oh, and possibly breaking state ethics laws:
McHenry County Democratic officials, who organized last year’s March For Our Lives anti-gun rally in Woodstock, conspired with high school teachers to recruit students for the rally, emails obtained by the McHenry Times show.
In so doing, they may have violated the state ethics act, which places restrictions on political activity by school district employees. The rally, held March 24 on Woodstock Square, moreover, turned out to be little more than a fund-raising scheme for the party, records show.
In one instance, Cathy Johnson and Ruth Scifo, both members of the executive board of the county Democratic party, sent an email to Woodstock High School English teacher Heather Brown on March 12 of last year explaining that they were organizing the march and rally in Woodstock. They attached a March For Our Lives flyer, and asked that it be distributed to the students and staff. They further said they had “feelers” out to several other area high schools.
The McHenry Democrats advertised the March 24 event on their website, which included a link to donate not to March For Our Lives but to the party.
“Public Acts 93-615 and 93-617 enacted in 2003 made comprehensive changes to the Act and required all units of local government and school districts to adopt ordinances or resolutions regulating political activities and the making and accepting of gifts in a manner no less restrictive than the provision of the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act,” Mathews wrote in an email. “School districts therefore have adopted policies addressing this requirement.”
When questioned about ethics policies adopted by Woodstock High School's district, Community Unit District 200, Kevin Lyons, a spokesman for the district, hung up on a reporter.
So, in conclusion, we have a candidate (Suzanne Ness) attempting to smear another candidate (Allen Skillicorn) by using the “your families are in danger” approach because he’s holding a rocket launcher at an Illinois National Guard PR event. This same candidate is endorsed by a gun control organization known for fake smear campaigns (fundraising ones btw) and have gotten caught red handed recently (god I love that shirt). This same candidate is with the county party that uses taxpayer funded public schools in order to recruit students (who should be learning) for party sanctioned political events in order to advocate for gun control on a national level. Yeah, pass on Suzanne Ness. She is very vague on her campaign website as well regarding what she wants to do (only 5 points regarding issues and surprise, gun control isn’t listed, as it’s not a popular position in district 66). The people she surrounds herself with are not very honorable people and seem to not care about ethics.