It's no surprise that Gun Control groups twist numbers and hide info in between the crevices of their "research." And it's also NO surprise at all that these mainstream media outlets are just really bad at giving REAL news. So, it should come as NO SHOCK to any of you that The Washington Post sent out questionnaires to residents here in Virginia, that were focusing around Gun Control issues. My own Ma got one. (She laughed really hard, too.)
OH! And this poll wasn't sent to JUST random households. It was sent out to mostly, NORTHERN VA college campuses. In my own research, I also found that it was sent to a few in the Southern VA parts, too. I was a little shocked, because I never heard about it... being that I'm a born and bred Virginian and Pro Gun Writer. I mean... I'm constantly looking through media outlets for info, so WHY didn't I get one, as well... or at least have notice of one? So, I decided to do my own little "poll." I got on the good ol Facebook and asked some of my buds. Now, I know what you're thinking!
"Jill! That's not fair! You used a personal social media site to ask YOUR pals, who probably think the same as you do about these issues!"
Let me pull an Ellen D on ya to calm yo worries... The majority of my REAL PALS and I rarely agree on politics. (TROOF! That's why I don't discuss politics on Facebook like I do Twitter and such) We DO all agree on funny tv shows and cat memes, though. I've got a few Old School Democrat preachers who love the fact I can rap all of Ice Ice Baby in a chipmunk voice.
Anywho... Point being, I've got pals from all walks of life and although they HATE discussing politics with me, they are VERY apt to helping a chick with her research.

I am in Southern Virginia. I also live in THE LARGEST county in the state, who's "City within a City," Danville, VA is a little mega hub. I'm not going to go into details of the demographics, because that will CERTAINLY stir an uproar if I shared ALL of my opinions, BUT, the area I'm from is very PRO Constitution (on both sides of the aisle) and makes up a big chunk in voting during electoral seasons. So... why weren't we targeted more?
Out of 54 of my pals... again... all different backgrounds, beliefs, etc... 5 of them said, YES, they did receive a questionnaire from The Washington Post, asking about their thoughts on Gun Related issues. I asked these folks if they subscribed to The Washington Post: 1 said Yes, 3 said No and 1 didn't respond. One of the folks, as I said earlier, was my own mother. Another pal, whom I've known since grade school openly said, "I love my guns!" The others kept it generic. No heavy discussion at all. I then read up on the poll itself and those it targeted, then compared that to my "Yes Pals." I found that all 5 of my pals who received the poll questions were either a) in some sort of medical or educational field, b) in a middle/ blue collar income household, or c) recently took college courses, graduated, etc... within the last 3 -5 years- so they're still on a current alumni roster. No one really of any DIRE straights, so to speak, but they do have MAJOR characteristics to influence their community. Seems like legit targets for a poll, right?
Then I got to thinking. I already know the media is bought out by lobbyists, mostly on THE LEFT. It's NO surprise there, either, right!?! But... who's conducting the poll? When I used to work for the little advertiser paper in my hometown, I found that most "surveys" or "polls" were sent out to 3rd Party affiliates. Being that The Washington Post is a MAJOR mainstream media publication, its just SMART of them to send out their inquiry for another agency to handle. That's exactly what these Media Outlets do! They hire folks like, Langer Research Associates to do their polling. Big deal, huh? WELL... it wouldn't be a big deal if they did so in an unbiased way. Pay close attention, folks. You may not agree with my stance on Gun Rights, but you need to know, YOU'RE BEING HAD!

- Michael Bloomberg is the 11th Richest Man in the world. He is a former 3 time New York Mayor and a Gun Control Lobbyist. He founded a group called Mayors Against Illegal Guns many moons ago, but the group went belly-up when other mayors, Left and Right Wingers, started bailing out because of how much Bloomberg attacked American Rights.
They saw how sketchy Gun Control was.
- Before pitfalling, Bloomberg got involved with other Gun Control groups, which led to his merging with Shannon Watts's, 1 Million Moms For Gun Control. She changed the name to Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America, and before the ink was even dry on the merger with Bloomberg, they founded the umbrella brand, Everytown for Gun Safety.
- Bloomberg is a MEDIA MOGUL. He owns many media outlets. Watts is a PR whiz, who's pushed products and companies like the cancer causing products at Monsanto, bad policies at GE, Wellpoint, etc... (Read this info again a few times until it sticks.) Bloomberg OWNS MEDIA OUTLETS. Watts is a PUBLIC RELATIONS WHIZ.
Ya feel me?
- Bloomberg owns media outlets like his own namesake, "Bloomberg," as well as its research centers. He's also a major funding partner to JOHN'S HOPKINS UNIVERSITY! What's John's Hopkins University so popular for?
Now, moving on to The Washington Post Poll on GUN CONTROL
(Which Bloomberg Lobbies For):
Guess who brands Langer Research Associates!?!
That's right... Bloomberg.
So, folks... who believe in the polls those fancy schmancy publications send ya...
Ya see! Since these polls are NOT government funded, these Gun Control Lobbying groups don't have to use your info as a participant if you disagreed with THEIR stances. AND! If you did participate and even gave just the slightest inclination that you kinda sorta agree with them, they have the right to turn that info into whatever answer that they feel benefits them.
Just in case you didn't read it till it stuck before...
Michael Bloomberg is a MEDIA MOGUL. He owns many media outlets. Watts is a PR whiz, who's pushed products and companies like the cancer causing products at Monsanto, bad healthcare policies at GE, Wellpoint, etc... (Read this info again a few times until it sticks.)
IF you're buying into this Gun Control mess and all the fear tactics, then you need this reality check. They are literally manipulating YOU with false narratives, skewed stats, and made up terms in their propaganda.
Hell! Michael Bloomberg couldn't even tell you the difference in a Semi Automatic and an Automatic firearm in the video below.
All info in this article has been cited through site links (light blue underlined font) so it's all legit.
Here's also a bit more info that PROVES that these groups are NOT HONEST!
Your 2nd Amendment Right Is To Protect You From Idiots Who Want "Control."
Stop buying into it, folks!