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Gun grabbers applaud upholding a law that was implemented to keep blacks disarmed

Writer's picture: Sigiloso1776Sigiloso1776

This is rich. We all know that (according to the woke mob) that everything is racist and needs to either be abolished or changed. Math is racist. The filibuster is racist. Hell, even the cartoon Paw Patrol is racist. Everything is racist, except things that actually are, like gun control and it’s origins.

Today, North Carolina’s governor vetoed a bill to do away with the state’s pistol permit requirement to purchase a handgun.

North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper vetoed a bill Monday that would change a state gun purchasing law.
Cooper, a Democrat, vetoed House Bill 398, “Pistol Purchase Permit Repeal,” which would remove the requirement that handgun buyers get a permit from their local sheriff.

Here’s the current law that legislators wanted to repeal:

The highlighted 1919 date was when the law was enacted. Our friends at FPC have the details as to why this is a law:

The end of the Great War in 1918 saw the return of many African-American veterans who had served in segregated military units. They had served their country both home and abroad and were now coming home expecting some recognition of their rights.W.E.B. DuBois had encouraged black veterans to not just return home but to return home fighting against Southern racism.
At an Emancipation Day ceremony in Raleigh in January 1919, a crowd of 3,000 passed resolutions condemning lynching and attacking segregation. Through the 1920s, the annual commemorations of emancipation as well as the Armistice ending World War I remained occasions for rallies. Editorials in the black press in Durham and Raleigh frequently called for improvements in, if not an end to, the Jim Crow system.
White North Carolinians listened with concern to the outbursts of black protests after the War, but they managed to preserve both white supremacy and the myth that black North Carolinians were contented with legal segregation and Jim Crow. North Carolina’s postwar reconsideration of racial relations and racial policy took place in the context of the nationwide “Red Scare” between 1918 and 1921, touched off by fears of communist and foreign subversion.
Adding to this general fear was Winston-Salem’s November 17, 1918 riot over the attempted lynching of a black man who had been erroneously accused of raping a white woman. Most of the rioting was done by whites but it was the black community which had the tanks sitting in their streets.
The General Assembly passed “An Act to Regulate the Sale of Concealed Weapons in North Carolina” on March 10, 1919. It required a permit to purchase “any pistol, so-called pump-gun, bowie knife, dirk, dagger or metallic knucks.” The “so-called pump-gun” is, as best as I can determine, what we would now call a pump shotgun. Section 3 of Chapter 197 reads:
That before the clerk of the Superior Court shall issue any such license or permit he shall fully satisfy himself by affidavits, oral evidence, or otherwise, as to the good moral character of the applicant therefor, and that such person, firm, or corporation requires the possession of such weapon mentioned in section one of this act for protection of the home: Provided, that if said clerk shall not be so fully satisfied, he shall refuse to issue said license or permit : and Provided further, that nothing in this act shall apply to officers authorized by law to carry firearms. The clerk shall charge for his services upon issuing such license or permit a fee of fifty cents.
The Clerk and the firearms dealer were both required to keep records of the permittees/purchasers including name, age, residence, former residence, “etc.” The owner of the firearm was also required to list it as personal property with the local tax authorities.
Let’s think about this a bit. Who would be considered to be a person of “good moral character” in 1919 to a legislature that was composed primarily of white Democrat segregationists who were sympathetic to the KKK? And what do you think the Clerk of the Superior Court is going to consider by “etc.” which is actually included in the text of the bill? I think any intelligent person could reasonably assume that a person of “good moral character” would tend to be white, probably a Democrat (unless living in the mountains), a segregationist, a church-goer, and someone who owned property. It would not have been an African-American nor would it have been a populist, socialist, or union organizer. I would also assume that the race of the purchaser was intended to be kept as part of the records.
Given the state of race relations in North Carolina in 1919 and the contextual background of this law, I defy anyone to say that there is no racial component to this law. It may not have said de jure that blacks couldn’t possess pistols and other weapons but that was the de facto reality.

It doesn‘t take a person with an above average IQ to connect the dots here. This law is a Jim Crow era law, and gun grabbers are thrilled it Was upheld.

North Carolinians Against Gun Violence Executive Director Becky Ceartas praised the veto in a statement, citing increases in gun violence and saying that, “repealing our pistol purchase permitting system would surely mean the loss of more lives.”
Marcus Bass, Deputy Director of NC Black Alliance, said: “Let us be clear, their opposition to the Pistol Purchase Permitting system is not based on a desire to promote racial equity; it is based on their desire to appease the gun lobby and undermine North Carolina’s gun safety laws.”

The North Carolina chapters of Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action also praised the veto.
“Vetoing this dangerous bill proves again that Governor Cooper listens to the experts and puts public safety first,” Tony Cope, volunteer with the state chapter of Moms Demand Action, which is part of Everytown for Gun Safety, said in an emailed statement.
“We urge state legislators who support public safety to stand with Gov. Cooper in keeping guns out of the hands of people who cannot pass our state’s background checks,” Cope said.

We’re not surprised gun grabbers are thrilled though, just take a look at what happens with minorities inside their own organizations while they pretend to care about civil rights:

Whether it be the FOID card, this NC law, or Virginia’s very own version of the Mulford Act, you can always count on gun control proponents to support these laws based in racism. You can also count on them to use blacks for their agenda and PR and to be angry when non-whites get legally armed.


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