From 12 News:

PHOENIX — An organization of moms against gun violence is applauding a recent decision by the Phoenix Union High School Board.
The board voted unanimously last week to require the parent or guardian of the district’s 27,000 students to read and sign a gun storage safety form.
"This is just an obvious thing we can do to prevent future tragedies,” said board member Lela Alston.
The "Secure Storage Notification Resolution" requires that gun storage and safety information be included in the student handbook of all 27,000 students of the district's 20 high schools.
The resolution was prompted by the groups Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action For Gun Sense in America. It highlights how unlocked guns play a prominent role in unintentional shootings involving children, gun suicides and campus shootings.
Phoenix Union Board President Stephanie Parra said the resolution is a small but meaningful step to educate parents.
“From time to time, guns have made an appearance on campuses," said board president Stephanie Parra. “When we speak to moms, often it's because the parent did not properly store their firearm at home.”
Phoenix Union joins Denver Public Schools and several districts in California that have approved secure gun storage awareness campaigns.
A spokesperson for Moms Demand Action said they hope this is the beginning of a nationwide movement by school boards. It is viewed as a way to promote gun safety that does not require an act of Congress.
On the surface to some, this doesn’t seem like a big deal. What this does though is create a “legal” binding with the district that parents must practice “safe storage”. What happens if parents don’t? Are they sued by the district? Is their child suspended/expelled as punishment? Will students be able to report to school officials if their parents don’t lock up their emergency nightstand gun and get mom & dad trouble (shouldn’t have taken that Xbox away for not doing homework)? Will a friend visit one of their pals who‘s parents have an antique shotgun on the wall and report it to the district? Well, in their current handbook, students can report it to a teacher/staff member and the staff member can start the paper trail (would go under “Other”).

Also in the district documents, specific data collection on, you guessed it, GUNS & AMMO:

No gun owner is against locking up their guns, most already do. It’s pretty common place. Of course, Moms Demand Action uses their influence inside the school system to get what they want when legislators won’t do it for them.
Go to your school board meetings, folks. They’re using it to push gun control on the school district level.
Lock up your guns if you have kids and teach them REAL gun safety on top of it. An agreement with the school district or a law isn’t necessary.
Here’s the board’s document.

Be SMART by Moms Demand Action. Yeah, totally just a “safe storage aspect” of the lobbying group...... And don’t forget how they “safely” handle firearms:

Anyone up for FOIAing the district and asking for email comms with MDA?
Regarding all of this, Mom-At-Arms and other grassroots activist groups we work with have tried to bring attention to this. We know what they’re doing:
Instead Of Trying To Break Impossible Congressional Gridlock, Some Gun Violence Activists Start Thinking Local
Advocates are finding success in school board measures as well as simply talking to friends and neighbors about keeping their guns stored safely. Despite the high tensions that usually come with the issue, the movement is flying under the radar and making progress where others have been stymied.
Some examples of how we and our allies have been fighting back/exposing this (gun grabbers using schools) for months: